We face our biggest challenge ever as we endeavour to get through the Covid-19 crisis, which is preventing us from touring and from being able to secure funding to survive and recover to a point where we can continue with our planned programme of work. The next few months are going to be critical for GW Theatre.
We are drawing on all energies to remain optimistic in this period and are concentrating our efforts on three key pieces of work:
We hope to pick up on the paused Greater Manchester pilot of the Mr Shapeshifter play, animation and book, which will reach many thousands of children, parents and carers. In the Covid-19 crisis we have developed a completely free Home Learning Resource using the animated version of the story. This pioneering early intervention project continues to go from strength to strength. For further details please visit http://www.mrshapeshifter.com
Continuing our focus on groundbreaking work to keep children safe from abuse and exploitation we are working on a brand new project called Kidpower for 6-8 year olds. Mirroring the hugely successful format Mr Shapeshifter project we are developing an interactive touring theatre production which will then lead to animated and book versions of the same story.
The Kidpower project will develop digital literacy, online resilience skills and emotional capacity with children aged 6 to 8 years, working in schools and other settings as well as with parents, carers and the wider community.
It will protect, safeguard and empower the childhood of 6-8 year old children.
The project is being part-funded by Rochdale and Bradford councils and we looking for additional funders. This project was scheduled for 2020 but the Covid-19 crisis has pushed its launch back until at least spring 2021.
In response to the Covid-19 crisis we are developing an exciting multi-media project which will gather people’s stories of the lockdown and explore how they can be creativity used to combat and tackle isolation and loneliness – particularly with young and older people. For further details please contact [email protected]